Innovative safe for certified Grade III burglary and 60m fire protection
Home and office safe
A robust safe, manufactured in the Netherlands, suitable for high-end residential or commercial use, Duoforce is certified for both burglary protection and 60 minutes fire protection of paper documents. This sturdy safe is built according to most stringent quality standards.
Product characteristics:
Burglary resistance in accordance with European standard EN 1143-1, as certified by ECBS for Grade III. Meets the demands of all insurance companies when it comes to burglary resistance
Tested by independent ISO 17025 accreted laboratory according to the NT FIRE 017-60 paper standards with certification managed by ECBS. Protects your vital documents from the effects of fire
Choice of 5 sizes ranging from 40 to 225 litres
Duoforce Grade III introduces a new small size Model 40 L, ideally suited to residential clients requiring the safe storage of jewelry and valuables
Ergonomic soft touch handle and a range of internal fittings to maximize storage capacity